Tuesday, April 24, 2012

MyBatis-memcached module 1.0.0-beta1 available

we have finally made available a first beta of MyBatis-Memcached
integration module, you can find more details on the related site

Please take in consideration that the beta status is because we
recently migrated an old code to the MyBatis SVN, and we are not sure
we missed something before announcing a proper release.

As always, feedbacks/suggestions/proposals/... are always welcome, so
don't be shy and help us making MyBatis a better ecosystem :)

-Simo, on behalf of the MyBatis team

Sunday, April 22, 2012

MyBatis-Spring 1.1.1 released

Dear Community,

MyBatis Team is pleased to announce the release of MyBatis-Spring 1.1.1

See the details of this release in the tracker.

As usually it is available in the downloads section and in maven central repository.

Thank your all for your contributions and help!

Monday, April 16, 2012

MyBatis 3.1.1 released

Dear MyBatis Community,

The team is pleased to announce the release of MyBatis 3.1.1.

This maintenance release includes many fixes and improvements.
Please see the tracker for the full list of changes.

The release can be found in the Maven central repositories or as a bundle distribution.

MyBatis Team

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

MyBatis-Guice 3.3 Released!

The MyBatis team is pleased to announce the mybatis-guice-3.3 release!

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Added resources/JDBC custom ClassLoader support.
o Inject dependencies in TypeHandlers defined in the XML

Fixed Bugs:
o Missing mapUnderscoreToCamelCase property in mybatis-guice. [Issue 422].

o Made org.mybatis.guice.datasource.c3p0.C3p0DataSourceProvider
username/password optional
       (users can specify them in the JDBC URL).
o Made org.mybatis.guice.datasource.dbcp.BasicDataSourceProvider
username/password optional
       (users can specify them in the JDBC URL).
o Made org.mybatis.guice.datasource.dbcp.DriverAdapterCPDSProvider
username/password optional
       (users can specify them in the JDBC URL).
o Made org.mybatis.guice.datasource.builtin.PooledDataSourceProvider
username/password optional
       (users can specify them in the JDBC URL).
o Made org.mybatis.guice.datasource.builtin.UnpooledDataSourceProvider
username/password optional
       (users can specify them in the JDBC URL).
o Internal code polishing.

Have fun!
-Simo, on behalf of MyBatis team