Sunday, December 25, 2016

MyBatipse (Eclipse plugin) 1.0.24 is released!

Dear MyBatis - Eclipse users,

We have released version 1.0.24 of MyBatipse.

Some new features:
  • Hyperlink on @ResultMap value and 'select' attribute of @One and @Many.
  • Auto-complete 'jdbcType' attribute in XML mapper/config.
  • Quick assist to move @Results to <resultMap />.
  • Allow wildcards in type alias package setting.
And validation now runs much faster in most cases.
Please see the GitHub page for the general information.

FYI, this will be the last version that works on Eclipse older than 4.4 (Luna).


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

MyBatis-Ignite 1.0.3 released!

Dear Community,

We have released mybatis-ignite 1.0.3 which updates Apache Ignite to 1.8.0.

Project is available on GitHub and Maven Central.

Thanks and enjoy!