Sunday, December 25, 2016

MyBatipse (Eclipse plugin) 1.0.24 is released!

Dear MyBatis - Eclipse users,

We have released version 1.0.24 of MyBatipse.

Some new features:
  • Hyperlink on @ResultMap value and 'select' attribute of @One and @Many.
  • Auto-complete 'jdbcType' attribute in XML mapper/config.
  • Quick assist to move @Results to <resultMap />.
  • Allow wildcards in type alias package setting.
And validation now runs much faster in most cases.
Please see the GitHub page for the general information.

FYI, this will be the last version that works on Eclipse older than 4.4 (Luna).


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

MyBatis-Ignite 1.0.3 released!

Dear Community,

We have released mybatis-ignite 1.0.3 which updates Apache Ignite to 1.8.0.

Project is available on GitHub and Maven Central.

Thanks and enjoy!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

MyBatipse (Eclipse plugin) 1.0.23 is released!

Dear MyBatis - Eclipse users,

We have released version 1.0.23 of MyBatipse.

Several enhancements:
  • Rename refactoring : renaming statement, result map and sql fragment will update its references automatically.
  • Propose actual parameter names when 'Store parameter info' option is enabled in Java Compiler setting.
  • Validate result map reference in @ResultMap annotation.
  • Validate select statement reference in @One and @Many annotations.
Please see the GitHub page for the general information.


The minimum required Java/Eclipse versions will be changed as follows in the near future.
  • Java 7
  • Eclipse 4.4 (Luna)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

MyBatis Generator 1.3.5 Released

Dear community,

There is a new version of MyBatis Generator.  This release contains a two bug fixes and a minor enhancement.  The most significant is a fix for which was causing problems for many users.

All the details are available on the GitHub release page here:


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

MyBatipse (Eclipse plugin) is updated to 1.0.22

Dear Eclipse users,

We have released version 1.0.22 of MyBatipse.
Only one bug fix this time.
  • False-positive validation error could be reported when a resultMap type is an interface.
Please see the GitHub page for the general information.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

MyBatis-Guice 3.8 Released!

Dear Community,

We are proud to announce the release of MyBatis-Guice 3.8.
Guice 4.0 now is required.

Provides some new features:
  • Allow full customization of Configuration
  • Added support for Druid datasource
  • Some other minor improvements 
 See the details at

It is available in Github and Maven Central.

Big thanks for your support and enjoy!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

MyBatis-Ignite 1.0.2 released!

Dear Community,

We have released mybatis-ignite 1.0.2 which updates Apache Ignite to 1.7.0 and fixes an issue with starting an Ignite instance.

Project is available on GitHub and Maven Central.

Thanks and enjoy!

Friday, August 19, 2016

MyBatis Generator Version 1.3.4 Released

Dear community,

There is a new version of MyBatis Generator.  This release includes a few bug fixes and enhancements in the base generator and includes significant enhancements in the eclipse feature.

All the details are available on the GitHub release page here:


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

MyBatipse (Eclipse plugin) is updated to 1.0.21.

Dear Eclipse users,

We have released version 1.0.21 of MyBatipse.
Just a minor update this time.
  • 'Move annotation statement to XML' should handle List and Map return type correctly.
Please see the GitHub page for the general information.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

MyBatis 3.4.1 and TypeHandlers-JSR310 1.0.1 are released!

Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce that MyBatis 3.4.1 and MyBatis-TypeHandlers-JSR310 1.0.1 are released.

MyBatis 3.4.1 includes four user visible enhancements
  • Allow referencing parameters by their declared names when compiled with Java 8 '-parameters' option. #549
  • Added auto-detection of Year/MonthTypeHandler added in mybatis-typehandlers-jsr310 1.0.1. #646
  • @Select statement can now return an array of objects. #669
  • Allow specifying custom 'reflectorFactory' in XML config. #657
and six bug fixes.
  • Circularly referenced resultMap was filled with ancestor object even when columnPrefix was specified. #215
  • Select statement with @Param couldn't be used as a nested select statement of association. #649
  • RuntimeException was thrown when launching application on IBM WebSphere Application Server #706
  • Couldn't use Cursor as the return type of @Select statements. #661
  • Couldn't use RowBounds as a parameter of select statement whose return type is Cursor. #667
  • NullPointerException was thrown when used with Kylin JDBC driver. #699
Note that there is a change that may break existing code.
  • If a project uses legacy style parameter references with index numbers (i.e. #{0}, #{1}, ...) and is compiled with '-parameters' option, you may have to set useActualParameterName to false in the config.
See the details at the project's tracker

MyBatis-TypeHandlers-JSR310 1.0.1 provides two new type handlers.
  • YearTypeHandler for java.time.Year
  • MonthTypeHandler for java.time.Month
Non-maven users can download the binary distribution from Github releases page of each project.

And big thanks to those who contributed by sending pull requests, reporting issues and adding comments!


Saturday, June 25, 2016

MyBatis Generator Version 1.3.3 Released!

Dear community,

At long last there is a new version of MyBatis Generator.  This release includes quite a few bug fixes and enhancements.

The Eclipse feature has also been updated and has a new home on Bintray.

All the details are available on the GitHub release page here:


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

MyBatipse (Eclipse plugin) is updated to 1.0.20.

Dear Eclipse users,

We have released version 1.0.20 of MyBatipse.
  • Smart-copy in Console View that translates debug output as an executable SQL statement.
  • Wizard to create a new XML mapper file.
  • Quick fix to move a statement from annotation to XML.

Please see the GitHub page for the details.


Saturday, June 11, 2016

MyBatis Migrations 3.2.1 and Migrations Maven Plugin 1.1.3 released!

Dear Community,

We have just released MyBatis Migrations 3.2.1 and Migrations Maven Plugin 1.1.3.
The release notes have links to the related issues:
Thank you for reporting bugs, sending PRs and comments!


Thursday, June 9, 2016

MyBatis-Ignite 1.0.1 released!

Dear Community,

We have released mybatis-ignite 1.0.1 which updates Apache Ignite to 1.6.0.

Project is available on GitHub and Maven Central.

Thanks and enjoy!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

MyBatipse (Eclipse plugin) is updated to 1.0.19.

Dear Eclipse users,

MyBatipse has been updated to 1.0.19.
  • Improved auto-completion inside foreach loop.
  • Auto-complete setting value in config XML.
  • Auto-complete 'resultMap' attribute in @Arg annotation.
  • Auto-complete 'select' attribute in @Arg, @Many and @One annotation.
  • Auto-complete 'reflectorFactory' type in config XML.

Please see the GitHub page for the full feature list and other information.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

MyBatipse (Eclipse plugin) is updated to 1.0.18.

Dear Eclipse users,

MyBatipse has been updated to 1.0.18.
  • Auto-complete keyProperty attribute in @Options and @SelectKey annotation
  • Auto-complete property attribute in @Result annotation
  • Open XML element from a hyperlink on a method invocation (it's handy!).

Please see the GitHub page for the full feature list and other information.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

MyBatis 3.4.0 & MyBatis-Spring 1.3.0 & Boot-Starter 1.1.1 releases!

Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce three new releases.

MyBatis 3.4.0 with the following main features:
  • New Cursor List method in SqlSession.
  • Inherit Spring timeout in transactions.
  • Better support for generic types.
  • Out-of-the-box support new Date and Time API (JSR-310) classes added in Java 8.

Note that there are changes that may break existing code.
  • New method getTimeout() in the Transaction interface. If you implemented your own transaction adapter you will need to implement this method at least with a "return null"
  • @Options( flushCache ) now takes enum values (DEFAULT/TRUE/FALSE) instead of boolean.
  • StatementHandler#prepare(Connection) has been changed to StatementHandler#prepare(Connection,Integer) given that now it gets the transaction timeout.

See the details at the project's tracker

MyBatis-Spring 1.3.0 with:
  • Support for Cursor List (also for Spring Batch)
  • Requires MyBatis 3.4.0

See the details at the project's tracker

And MyBatis-Spring-Boot-Starter 1.1.1 that includes:
  • Autoscan will only pick interfaces annotated with @Mapper. Note that this change is backward incompatible. In case you are not using the @MapperScan annotation you should mark your mappers with the new @Mapper annotation shipped with MyBatis 3.4.0.
  • Requires MyBatis-Spring 1.3.0
  • And yes... your suspicions are correct, there is no 1.1.0 version. In fact, it is in maven central but the artifact is wrong :)

See the details at the project's tracker

Please see the GitHub project for the details.
Non-maven users can download the binary distribution from Github releases.

Thanks to people who is contributing with PRs.


Friday, April 8, 2016

MyBatis-TypeHandlers-JSR310 1.0.0 released!

Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce that version 1.0.0 of mybatis-typehandlers-jsr310 has been released.

It contains type handlers for the new Date and Time API (JSR-310) classes added in Java 8.
For maven users:
  • If you are using mybatis version 3.4 or later, you can simply add this artifact on your classpath and MyBatis will automatically register the provided type handlers.
  • If you are using and older version, you need to register the type handlers manually.
Please see the GitHub repository for the details.
Non-maven users can download the binary distribution from GitHub release page.

Thanks to people who is contributing with PRs.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mybatis-Spring 1.2.5 hot-fix released

Dear Community,

We have just released Spring 1.2.5 as a hot fix for this issue.

This issue will only affect spring-boot users that are using the spring-boot-starter adapter.

Jars are available as usual in Github and Maven Central.

The MyBatis Team.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mybatis-spring-boot 1.0.1 released!

Dear Community

We are pleased to announce that mybatis-spring-boot 1.0.1 has been released.

Some issues have been resolved with the upgrade of mybatis 3.3.1 and mybatis-spring 1.2.4 modules and there are also some improvements.

Thanks to people who is contributing with PRs.


Monday, March 7, 2016

MyBatis-Ignite 1.0.0 released!

Dear Community,

Following the release of mybatis-ignite version 1.0.0-beta1, we are pleased to announce mybatis-ignite 1.0.0.

Project is available on GitHub and Maven Central.
Thanks and enjoy!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

MyBatis 3.3.1 and MyBatis-Spring 1.2.4 released!

Dear Community,

We have just released new versions of the core and Spring modules.

Both are bug fix releases so it is very unlikely that they can break existing code.

See the details at the following links:

Jars are available as usual in Github and Maven Central.

The MyBatis Team.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

MyBatis-Ignite released!

Dear Community,

As a result of the collaboration between MyBatis and Apache Ignite teams, we are pleased to announce the release of mybatis-ignite version 1.0.0-beta1.

With this integration, you can use Apache Ignite distributed in-memory platform as the 2nd level cache.

See the details at

Project is available on GitHub and Maven Central.

Thanks and enjoy!