Tuesday, August 22, 2017

MyBatis-Ignite 1.0.6 released!

Dear Community,

We have released mybatis-ignite 1.0.6 which updates Apache Ignite to 2.1.0 and MyBatis 3.4.5.

Project is available on GitHub and Maven Central.

Thanks and enjoy!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Mybatis-Spring-Boot-Starter 1.2.2 & 1.3.1 released!

Dear MyBatis Community,

I am pleased to announce 1.2.2 and 1.3.1 releases of mybatis-spring-boot-starter project.

Highlights from this release:

  • Upgrade to Mybatis 3.4.5 (#174)
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 1.5.6.RELEASE on 1.3.1 (#181)
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 1.4.7.RELEASE on 1.2.2 (#172)
  • Supports input completion for  defaultScriptingLanguage and defaultEnumTypeHandler on 1.3.1 (#159 #175)

For full changes, please refer to release note.

Let's Enjoy!

The MyBatis Team

MyBatis 3.4.5 released!

Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce the release of MyBatis 3.4.5.
Here is the list of user visible changes.

  • Make default enum type handler customizable. #971
  • Make mapper method and its interface type accessible to SqlProvider. #1055
  • Allow using configuration properties in SqlProvider. #1061
  • Merge type handlers for JSR-310 (Java Date and Time API) into the core. #974
Bug fixes:
  • The type handler registered for a common interface of enums was not applied correctly. #976
  • Lazy loading should not overwrite a property value set by user. #988
  • Prevent foreach xml tag from polluting the global context. #966
  • Some parameter names (e.g. 'size') can cause ClassCastException. #1031
  • Not all result sets are processed when UPDATE or INSERT is performed in between. #1036
  • With PostgreSQL, ExecutorException is thrown if useGeneratedKeys is enabled globally. #902
There should be no backward incompatible change since 3.4.4.
Follow this link to see the full list of changes.
Binaries are available on the release page and Maven Central.

Many thanks to those who reported issues, sent pull requests or joined discussions!

The MyBatis Team