Thursday, February 21, 2013

MyBatis 3.2.0 Released

Dear Community,

MyBatis Team is pleased to announce the release of MyBatis 3.2.0

See the details of this release in the tracker.

It is available in maven central repository as a jar or a bundle.

New features:
- Support for plugable scripting engines.
- Support pluggable bytecode providers & Javassist.
- Cached nested queries.
- Logging improvements.
- More than 40 bug fixes.

Upgrade notes:
- MyBatis 3.2 requires Jdk 1.6 while previous versions required Jdk 1.5.

Se the docs for more details.

Thank your all for your contributions and help!

MyBatis-Spring 1.2.0 Released

Dear Community,

MyBatis Team is pleased to announce the release of MyBatis-Spring 1.2.0

See the details of this release in the tracker.

It is available in maven central repository as a jar or a bundle.

New features:
- New @MapperScan annotation.
- New <mybatis> namespace.

Upgrade Notes:
- @Autowired has been removed from SqlSessionDaoSupport (and MapperFactoryBean).
- Dependencies to Spring-Jdbc & MyBatis are now "provided" so you may need to include them explicitly in your pom.xml.

Se the docs for more details.

Thank your all for your contributions and help!